Yamunotri Dham Demographics

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Yamunotri Dham Demographics

Yamunotri Dham lies within the district of Uttarkashi and the primary population here is that of the local tribes that inhabit this region. The Pandits and all the workers involved with the temple belong to the nearby regions. As per the ancient tradition set by Adi Shankaracharya the main head of the temple belongs to a particular sect of South Indian Brahmins of South India. He goes back to his hometown in south when the temple is shut down for Darshan to the general public.

Yamunotri Temple Demography Here are the General Demographics of the Region of Uttarkashi:

Comprising of Garhwal division and headquartered in Uttarkashi with a complete population of 300,000 the people earn their livelihood by being involved in offering various types of services to the pilgrims visiting the temple of Yamunotri as well as Gangotri. The overall population growth rate has been recorded to be of 11,75% as per the census that was taken in 2011. The sex ratio of Uttarkashi has recorded to be 959 females for every 1,000 males. The overall literary rate here of the local population is 75.98%. The source of livelihood of the people inhabiting the regions of in and around Yamunotri depends on pilgrimage tourism and agriculture.

Uttarkashi has also been subjected to a number of natural as well as manmade disasters. The earliest recorded destruction can be dated back to 1976 where a main market has engulfed the main market then 2 years later in 1978 the floods of Bhagirathi river also caused massive disturbances along with a number of other earthquake, cloudbursts etc. Yamunotri temple has also seen a number of unfortunate events which has caused its destruction over a period of time and the most current standing temperature was constructed by Maharani Guleria of Jaipur during the 19th century.

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