After a night stay at Gaurikund, the Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi trekked to Kedarnath shrine this Friday morning. On the afternoon of Thursday, Rahul took off from Delhi by Chartered flight to reach the nearest airport, Jolly Grant airport. Jitendra Prasad, a leader of party and Ambika Sonia, Uttrakhand in-charge of the party teamed up with him for the tour. When reporters asked Rahul the reason for his visit to Kedarnath, he replied that he had come there to pay tribute to the souls of all those who passed away in the unexpected natural calamity of 2013. When reporters queried him that whether he had prayed for any sort of divine help from Kedarnath Ji to let him flourish in his political career, Rahul replied that he had asked for no such thing but ‘yes’ after visiting the shrine he did feel an immense power within him.
Rahul Gandhi had been back recently from his sabbatical spanned 57 days and was promoting the farmer’s issue on behalf of the Congress party. In order to visit the Kedarnath shrine, Rahul was missing at the Loksabha debate that was held on Thursday; i.e. the day he departed for Kedarnath.
According to PTI Report, Rahul on reaching Gaurikund offered his homage to the tale of Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali, Peshawar’s great hero. It was a real sight to watch Rahul, the Congress Vice president in his most casual avatar wearing simple jeans paired with T-Shirt and perambulating to inspect the reconstructive works that state government undertook post-2013 calamity.
Rahul after discussing the arrangements for Chardham yatra, reached Gaurikund that falls in the Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand. He was greeted at the airport by Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat and his cabinet of ministers that included members like Yashpal Arya, Preetam Singh, Indira Hridyesh, Dinesh Agarwal. Rawat actually has a close association with Rahul Gandhi as it was under the orders of Rahul Gandhi that he was entrusted with the power and designation of ‘Chief Minister’ for the state of Uttarakhand a year back with Vijay Bahuguna losing the position.
According to IANS Report Rawat declared in an interview that he had pressed Rahul to come and pay his tribute to Kedarnath Ji and it would indeed remain an unforgettable moment for him, because it was he who had trekked along with Indira Gandhi too to Badrinath shrine.
According to the other sources Rahul had undertaken this 18kms long trek urged by his inner personal belief and to show respect to the devotees who were all washed away in 2013 Flash floods.
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