Best Time to Visit Kedarnath

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Best Time to Visit Kedarnath

Kedarnath Dham can be an ideal place for Hindu pilgrims; The location is rather distant and high in the Garhwal Himalayas, presenting a breathtaking sight but a difficult journey to reach. People flock from all parts of the country to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva/Baba Kedar. On the whole, the most crucial issue in arranging your trip is the weather and the temperature you can face and when it is better to visit. Your journey can become easy or difficult depending on the given factors. In the following guide, you will get to know everything information related to the weather of Kedarnath and temperature each month of the year and all the necessary data that will help you to make appropriate decisions regarding travel timing. So you can plan to do the Kedarnath Pilgrimage Tour in the appropriate month.

Kedarnath Weather and Temperature details

Kedarnath Weather and Temperature details

MonthTemperature Weather Highlight
January -4°C to 18°CSnowfall
February-3°C to -17 °CSnowfall
March1°C to -12°CSnowfall
April8°C to -3°CSnowfall
May5°C to 0°CClear Weather
June12°Cto 4°CClear Weather
July15°Cto 7°CCloudy and Rainy
August13°C to 7°CCloudy and Rainy
September12°C to 3°CPleasant but cold
October5°Cto 1°CPleasant but cold
November4°Cto – 10°CSnowfall
December-2°C to -15°CSnowfall

Kedarnath Dham Temple Weather-wise Details

It is very essential to know about the season highlights when you are planning to visit Kedarnath Dham, check this out –

Season PeriodHighlights
Summer of Kedarnath DhamMarch to JunePeak pilgrimage season – Temple doors open for Darshan – Sunny weather with a cool breeze – Average temperature: 20-22°C – The best time to visit Kedarnath
Monsoon of Kedarnath DhamJuly to SeptemberRisky due to landslides and heavy rainfall – Travel during sunny intervals is possible – Offers quieter experience with fewer crowds
Winter of Kedarnath DhamOctober to FebruaryEntire region covered in snow – Temple closes, deity transferred to Ukhimath – Inaccessible for 6 months – Subzero temperatures prevail

Best Month to go for Kedarnath Yatra 2024

The most preferable time to do your Kedarnath Yatra in 2024 is between May and June. Strictly speaking, Kedarnath is always a cold place; the temperature drops in May – October, but this is the more comfortable time for a visit to the shrine.

During the monsoon season (July to September), it’s advisable not to go there because the roads could be blocked due to heavy rains, and landslides, as well as when the roads become slippery due to lots of water on them.

And one more, be aware that temples are closed in winter seasons for heavy snowing. Therefore, just for the sake of anxiety and hesitation, we would recommend getting yourself ready by the end of August. Indeed, if you decide to travel during the monsoon, simply remember to pack right and be more cautious during your journey and while visiting the temple.

Best time to visit Kedarnath if you like snowfall and less crowd

If you don’t mind snowfall or want to avoid crowded places, Kedarnath is best visited between Septembers to October. This is when you can expect the temperature to drop, and in some instances, there may even be falling snow. The setting is somewhat peaceful, characterized by the lack of people around, which is suitable for lovers of tranquility and nature. But remember if you are counting winter sojourn, you must get approval from local authorities and safety directions.

Is Kedarnath Yatra Safe to Travel

Wait, isn’t it in the summer that it is normally safe? But when we look in the mirror of winter and monsoon, things become complicated. Heavy rain can contribute to landslides making footpaths slippery especially when hills are involved.

Floods can also be triggered when heavy rainfall occurs during these times. On the other hand, winters provide the harshest and most unlivable weather for the pilgrims. The Kedarnath temple is swept by snow from all the quarters during winter, which renders it inaccessible and completely covered in snow. But there are intrepid ones too who come to Kedarnath in winter; they know the risks involved and always take all possible precautions to be safe.

What is the effect of the weather and temperature of Kedarnath on pilgrims?

1. Physical discomfort: The cold weather of Kedarnath can make pilgrims feel that they have unease and the situation will be worse that they may not have proper woolen clothes for the chilly weather. But it is also possible to run into unforeseen problems as, for instance, it can lead to conditions of such severity as frostbite.

2. Travel troubles: The roads to Kedarnath get very hazardous as there is heavy snowfall and icy conditions. Pilgrims, therefore, face a lot of difficulties while seeking blessings in the temple during such bad weather conditions. The difficulties of driving may be the slippery road which can cause problems in roadblocks and even stop the way.

3. Health worries: High temperatures can lead to health problems in spiritual travelers especially because of their unfamiliarity with high altitude. The risk of altitude sickness, dehydration, and oxygen deficiency due to excessive strain on breathing is very relevant in such weather.

4. Limited access: The path to Kedarnath temple will be difficult when weather causes problems and the snow can cover everything, and the indistinctive trail may end up, preventing the pilgrims from reaching the major temple. Thus, the amount of time destined for the pilgrimage season might be reduced or pilgrims can be forced to make alternate detours.

5. Emotional impact: The weather and temperature of pilgrimage places can equally have emotional impacts on pilgrims. Severe weather conditions that might arise during the hike and the possibility of unsafe travel, as a result, may turn their excitement into worry and fear. At the same time, warm evenings and clear skies calm the soul and make the spiritual journey more complete.

However, a complex situation, created by the unpredictable weather, cannot but make pilgrims demonstrate unbelievable courage and steadfastness, thus strengthening their religious spirit and bonding with the Divine power more and more.

Why pilgrims travel to Kedarnath Dham despite challenging weather conditions

There is no denying that Kedarnath is not about fighting just nature rather it is a huge spiritual and self-discovery journey. The physical struggle, which includes the cold temperatures, is something pilgrims don’t shy away from, but rather, they embrace it, deepening their spiritual connection as they continue along the demanding terrain.

Apart from this, the harsh conditions forge a feeling of community among these pilgrims as they mutually support each other to get through the journey, building long-lasting friendships against the backdrop of Kedarnath’s magnanimous natural surroundings.

People come to these journeys of self-reflection during harsh and unpredictable weather. They take time to look inside themselves, thinking about their beliefs and how these influence their lives. Overcoming the challenges of weather gives the pilgrims an indescribable feeling of triumph and appreciation.

Pilgrims often relate these inspiring stories of courage and steadfastness to their family and friends back home. The journey of pilgrims to Kedarnath gives them a more meaningful understanding and love towards nature, a deep faith in the Almighty, and an increased conscience about the health of the environment for future generations.

Tips to cope with the cold weather of Kedarnath Dham

1. Altitude Awareness: Know that Kedarnath is located at the height and therefore the air is thinner and the oxygen level is lower. Also, take it slowly if you are not acclimatized to high altitude. You should pace yourself, take breaks, and listen to your body to hike without experiencing altitude sickness.

2. Sun Protection: The sun can be very bright at higher altitudes even if it might be cold. Take heed of your protection and wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and head protection from such dangerous UV rays. The sunburn may develop very fast. Besides, the reflection of the snow can make it even stronger.

3. Stay Hydrated, but Mind the Water: We ought to take major precautions such as not drinking directly water from streams, rivers, or any other water source when visiting the Kedarnath area. The water can appear clean but still, it can have bacteria or other contaminants that can cause illness. Only use bottled water or water purification tablets.

4. Windproof Clothing: Even on sunny days, sometimes the wind in Kedarnath can be icy, especially at higher altitudes. Remember to pack wind-proof layers that you can use to keep yourself dry and warm when the wind comes. A windproof jacket or other protective layer will play a huge role in making your experience better.

5. Watch for Weather Changes: It is important not to let any weather element in the mountains catch you by surprise. Always be ready for a sudden change in the weather. Look up at the cloudy sky and other weather warnings of approaching bad weather. If you see some changes, then you should either return to the lower crevices or go for cover until the weather becomes normal.

Level of Oxygen in Kedarnath Dham

The problem is about the oxygen concentrations at Kedarnath. After all, being in the highest part of the Himalayan Mountains means that it is a bit thin in the air. So when you are making your travel plan, be careful of your health because you don’t want to come back with illness. Due to low oxygen, you might discover shortness of breath after you take a simple walk. Also, you must be aware of the danger of altitude sickness – it is a very real concern. You can feel dizzy, weak, or breathe faster than normal. This is an important reminder as you make preparations for your journey.

Season-Specific Things to Carry in Kedarnath Dham


So, on those sheer sunny days, pleasing and breezy clothing will be your best choice. Put light clothes in your suitcase to feel cool, and remember that you should wear sunscreen and put your sunglasses on your face to maintain self-protection from the scorching hot sun. Oh, and stay hydrated! Don’t forget a handy water bottle to go with you.


In moments, if monsoon rains come down, there you’ll need to be ready. Plan by having a waterproof jacket or a handy poncho in case you get wet, the same happens when it comes to pants or shirts opt for the quick dry type to stay dry and warm. Don’t forget that you also need to keep your gear secure and dry. In this case, a waterproof shoulder bag will do. They can get on your nerves, so don’t forget to carry some insect repellent or such tools to stop them.


When the snow starts to fall, then it is time to put the jackets on! Complement your cold-weather attire with layers such as thermal underwear, a sweater, and a nice down jacket. Maintain the heat in those appendages with the insulated gloves, snug hat, and a toasty scarf. And while you are at it, make sure you have the right footwear – waterproof and insulated, because you will certainly want to handle this snow. And remember to pack some hand warmers and an extra pair of socks in case your feet get cold.

Hence, here you are – a way through the weather of Kedarnath! In addition, planning for all weather conditions, whether it is summer, monsoon, or winter is of utter importance for having the best camping trips. Therefore, stuff your backpacks with all the necessities, monitor the weather forecast, and be ready for an epic journey. In rain or shine, whether snow-clad or sun-kissed, with a good set of gears and a positive vibe, Kedarnath is all yours to explore to the fullest. Thus, take up the challenge, and you will certainly be rewarded with an unforgettable experience!

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a good time to visit Kedarnath Dham?

The month of May to June is best for visiting Kedarnath Dham as the weather is comfortable for sightseeing and walks. It is the best time for temple darshan.

2. What is the off-season to visit Kedarnath Temple?

September to October is the off-season to visit Kedarnath Temple. During this time, Kedarnath is less crowded.

3. Can we visit Kedarnath in December?

The main highlight of Kedarnath Dham is the iconic Kedarnath Temple but it is closed during the winter months (November to April). You can still visit Kedarnath in December but you will not be able to see Baba Kedar in the temple as it is entirely covered in snow during December. The temple deity is shifted to Ukhimath.

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